✰ Good or bad, it doesn't matter because all we need, is a bit of time to figure it all out.

Bar Friends by glennharper
Bar Friends, a photo by glennharper on Flickr.

Maybe there aren't any such things as good or bad friends, maybe there are just friends, people who stand by when one are hurt and those who don't, people who lends a helping hand when one are lonely and those who just watch and do nothing.

Maybe there is something worth being scared for, hoping and living for and yeah, maybe worth dying for too if that is what it must be. Then there are no good or bad friends but only the people that one wants, people that one needs to be with them. People who builds their house in one's very heart.

Some people come and go, so they say, "some people who walk in one's life can be either a blessing or a lesson." A blessing that serves as a memory and a lesson that serves as experience, sometimes experience never fades even when one's memories fades. Maybe that's why it's easier to think of the bad things from the past, but it all depends. Why linger in the past when the present is right in front and the future is yet to be shape? Ha ha, gotta keep that in mind.

"There are no complete strangers in this world, there are only friends who you haven't meet yet."

-Timothy W.